
 2023-10-02  阅读 233  评论 0

摘要:今天小编mail为大家分享的生活小常识,希望能够帮助到大家!高中英语短语大全2145个,高中英语短语大全这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、一、表示时间介词注意点:  1.in+一段时间=in+一段时间¢s time(与将来时连



1、一、表示时间介词注意点:  1.in+一段时间=in+一段时间¢s time(与将来时连用)我们三天后碰头。

2、如:We¢ll meet                    in three days                    in three days¢ time        within+一段时间(用于各种时态)    如:You must finish reading the book within a week.你必须在一周内读完这本书。

3、   2.on Christmas Day在圣诞节;at Christmas在圣诞节的几天中  3.up to now=until now, from morning till night, for the time being暂时  at times有时,day by day一天天地,in no time立刻。

4、  4.during是介词,不能引导从句。

5、二、注意一些表示地点场所介词短语的引伸、比喻含义    in the mud在泥中,beyond hope绝望, in freezing在严寒天气中,in danger在危险中,in trouble在困境中,in public在公共场合中,under construction在建设中,on business出差,in the same boat处境一样,on sale在出售三、表示方式、手段、工具等介词(by,with,on,in)  1.by: The blind men thought they could learn what the elephant looked like by touching it./ make a living by teaching/ by hand手工地,靠手工地,by letter,  by post, by electricity, learn sth. by heart, struck by the beauty因美丽而着迷  He was paid by the hour/ the day/ month/…他按时/日/月/…被付给工钱。

6、by plane/ train/ ship/ air/ water/ sea/…, by means of用…手段,方式;by  way of经由,取道于…  learn English by/ over/ through/ on the radio  2.on: live on food, kneel on one¢s knees, lie/ sleep on one¢s back / side / face    仰/侧/俯卧(睡)  3.in: in English, in ink, in silence, in one voice异口同声地,in a hurry匆忙地,in surprise惊讶地   4.with: write with a pen, work with one¢s hands, smell with one¢s nose, beat the horse with a whip(鞭子)四、相近介词(短语)辨析  1.  on“关于”,学术性强:a lecture on computer      about“关于”,知识性或随便谈论:a discussion about the plan  2. go/come/walk/run后只能用into, put/sit down/throw/jump/fall后可用in/into  3.  over在…正上方,under在…正下方      above在…上面(不一定垂直上方),below在…下面  4.  in an hour一小时后,用于将来时      after an hour一小时后,用于过去时  5.  beside在…旁边      besides除…之外(还有)      except除…之外      except for除(非同类事物)之外  6.  on/in the street      at 50 Dongfeng Road  在东风路50号  7.  a hole in the wall      a picture on the wall      a piece of news in the newspaper      the words in the envelop      the monkey in the tree      the apples on the tree(树上的苹果。

7、表示长在树“上”的果实要用介词“on”)  8.  the tallest boy of(in) the class/school/…(象class这类群体单位名词前可用of或in)                                                    the tallest(boy) of the ten boys(象boys这类非群体名词前,只能用of)  9.  with the help / the permission of…  在… 帮助/允诺下      under the leadership / the care of…  在…领导/关心下 10.  be familiar with sb./sth. 熟悉某人/某物      be familiar to sb. …为某人所熟悉 11.  be absent from meeting/class开会/上课缺席      be sbsent in sp. 不在某处 12.  be strict with sb. 对某人严格要求be strict in sth. 严格对待某事 13.  Shanghai lies in the east of China. 上海位于中国的东部(在中国境内)      Korea lies on the east of China. 朝鲜与中国的东部接壤。

8、      Japan lies to the east of China. 日本位于中国的东部(不接壤)。

9、 14.  at least 至少      in the least 丝毫,一点 15.  in the air 空中,在流传      on the air播出 16.  shout to 呼喊,向…喊      shout at对…吼,责骂 17.  in the way挡路,障碍,妨碍      in a way在某点上,在某种程度上      by the way顺便问一下      on one¢s way(to) 在…路上 18.  at the corner在拐角处(外角)      in the corner在拐角里,在角落里(内角)      on the corner在角落上(外角) 19.  on fire着火,失火      on the fire在火上      at the fire在炉边 20.  in the end=at last=finally      by the end of到…末止      at the end of在…结束时,在…末端,at the end最后。

10、 21.  after a time=after some time过一段时间后      behind time迟到,过期      ahead of time提前,超前      sometime某时      some time某段时间,某一时期      sometimes有时      at a time=each time每次      at one time=once曾经22.   for a moment=for a while/minute一会儿      for the moment暂时      in a moment立刻      at the moment当时      the moment/minute/second/instance…=as soon as  一…就 23.  be tired of…  讨厌 …      be tired with…  因…而疲倦 24.  be popular with sb. 受某人的欢迎      be popular for因…而流行      be popular in sp. 在某处流行 25.  be pleased with+名词/what从句   对…满意       be pleased at+抽象名词    听/看到…而高兴 26.  be known to sb.为某人所知      be known as  作为…而出名,被叫作…      be known for因…而出名 27.  be busy with sth.忙于某事      be busy(in) doing sth.忙着做某事 28.  be late for…迟于参加(某项活动): She was late for supper.她吃晚饭去迟了。

11、      be late with…某事办迟了: She was late with the supper.她晚饭烧迟了。






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